How long Must an Effective Luxury Rehab program last? 30-60-90 Days?

When you are serious about addiction, you find every possible way to come out of it and devote yourself to your recovery. Amongst so many bubbles of myths and grey clouds of dilemmas, you finally take a decision and opt for Luxury Alcohol Rehab Florida. With so many options available, some claims for 1-month others for 3 months, and some even for 6 months. You are not sure which one is right. Our guide would help you get closer to your goals and decide which one is better for you.

Understanding how the treatment is structured is important to determine the length of the program. Addiction is a complex disease. Everyone’s journey towards it is different and even the path is different. The plans are different as each one journey is a different addiction. Some suffer from mental health disorders, some from traumas, and some from comorbid diseases. At Luxury Alcohol Rehab Florida, we cannot provide a fixed treatment plan structure. Every treatment is different, every condition is different and it encompasses different modalities. That’s why here at The Luminous Care, Luxury Alcohol Rehab Florida, we provide a customized treatment plan that resonates with each client’s condition and their future goals.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Plans

Currently, there are many treatment programs that are considered to be of 28-30 days. However, scientific studies have proven that long-term rehab is more conducive and fruitful to a lasting recovery. It’s common for a rehab center to undergo 3 months or 6 months of the program. This is due to understanding the root cause of addiction disease and treating it as a whole.

The Luxury Treatment program runs for 30 days which is a mid-range program and can be extended to 90 days which is a long-term operation and 6 months for an extended stay.

Luxury Alcohol Rehab Florida

30 days rehab structure

For people who have addicted to drugs or alcohol, the first 30 days of treatment are critical in gaining stability and detoxifying safely. Detoxing from a certain substance like alcohol and other drugs requires stringent medical supervision and the support of medications can alleviate symptoms. Alcohol and some prescriptions drugs withdrawal are dangerous. The withdrawal symptoms are complicated and may lead to a change in your body and mind. It could be life-threatening too.

 A Luxury Alcohol Rehab Florida, provide comprehensive care, from initial assessment to identifying triggers and customized treatment plan. Our therapist will walk with you on every phase of treatment and provide holistic care to treat your mind and body in the healing process.

As per the severity of withdrawal symptoms and the complexity of treatment, it could take about one to two weeks to settle the withdrawal and transit to other phases of psychotherapeutic treatment.

Psychotherapeutic treatment includes group sessions, individual sessions, family therapy, behavioral therapy, and other activities that help you re-establish healthy mind and body connections. Mindfulness and breathing, meditation, and yoga aid to calm your nervous system and help you ground yourself in triggering situations. Mindfulness and Meditation help in effectively riding out cravings and sustaining your peace.

90 Days or 3 Months Rehab

Compared to 30 days in rehab, 90 days will ensure you receive different treatments and therapies and significantly decrease the chances of relapse. People seeking substance abuse treatment aren’t aware of the root causes, repressing or denying childhood trauma or other traumatic events are the reasons for addiction. Working with a therapist at Luxury Alcohol Rehab Florida can help you understand the past and contribute to addiction. We help you address the cause to make amendments to your future behaviors.

When mental health issues and addiction treatment is conjugated and the program is completed, clients embark strong foundation for sustainable recovery. The initial 90 days periods include detox, initial assessment, mind, and body recovery, and understanding the root cause issue.

Preparing for Long-Term Recovery at The Luminous Care Luxury Alcohol Rehab Florida.

The Luminous Care Luxury Alcohol Rehab Florida offers a unique, effective addiction treatment program of 30/60/90 days. At The Luminous Care, we address mental health and addiction issues integrating proven psychotherapeutic methods that help you strengthen your mind and body.

Located in a peaceful and serene environment, we offer premium services at affordable pricing. We have experienced and skilled staff that would help you have a strong grip on your recovery. We are accredited by JAHCCO and we ensure providing clinical excellence.

Take The Luminous Care‘s long-term and in-depth treatment approach for your recovery.


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