Fentanyl Addiction Treatment


Fentanyl Addiction Detox Program and Treatment in Florida

Fentanyl Addiction Detox Program and Treatment in Florida – The Luminous Care detox center Offers unique treatment programs for Fentanyl Addiction in Florida. Fentanyl Addiction Treatment is one of the most widely used drugs in pain management an opioid used together with other medications for anaesthesia as well. Fentanyl is also used as a recreational drug, often mixed with heroin or cocaine. It has a quick onset and its effects mostly last less than two hours. For medical purposes, fentanyl is used by injection, nasal spray, skin patch, or absorbed through the cheek  (transmucosal) as a lozenge or tablet.

Fentanyl works mainly by activating μ-opioid receptors. Its potential is around 100 times more intense than morphine, and some analogues such as carfentanil are around 10,000 times stronger.


In 1960 Fentanyl was first formulated by Paul Janssen and got approval for medical use in the United States in 1968. In the year 2015 recorded 1,600 kilograms (3,500 lb) were used in healthcare globally. As of 2017, Fentanyl Addiction Treatment was the most widely used synthetic opioid in medicine. In 2016  World Health Organization included Fentanyl patches for cancer pain on the List of Essential Medicines and fentanyl and analogues were the most widespread cause of overdose casualties in the United States at more than 20,000, about 50% of all opioid-related deaths. Most of these overdose deaths were due to illegally prepared fentanyl.

It is one of the most prescribed drugs to manage chronic, severe pain as a result of cancer, nerve injury, back pain, major trauma, and surgery. Fentanyl Addiction Treatment is accessible in many forms. Illicit fentanyl can be manufactured for use in the illegal drug market which is also the main propelling force causing high casualty rates.

Each drug has some side effects as fentanyl has surpassed all with maximum side effects even resulting in time’s most worse drug epidemic with the highest ever casualty rate in America.

It is one of the most commonly prescribed medications in the United States, with more than 1.7 million prescriptions.

Fentanyl addiction usually exhibit symptoms as

  • Restricted breathing
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Obscured vision
  • Itching
  • Euphoria
  • Mellowness
  • Drowsiness
  • Constipation
  • Vomiting
  • Trauma-related to poor coordination

Fentanyl Addiction Treatment in South Florida

Fentanyl addiction can be treated traditionally in two ways one is medication second one individualized sessions with the focus of behavioral improvisation.

The medication to treat Fentanyl Addiction Treatment requires highly skilled supervision as it usually comes with painful relapses if any misconduct occurred. As we know the fentanyl has been used in pain management and it’s rooted very deeply. Only a few methods to treat the addiction-related to fentanyl showed promising results in a modern-day perspective cause it usually tends to be a cognitive and behavioral issue.

Individuals who have been suffering from Fentanyl Addiction Treatment usually show signs of a sudden change of mood and irritability during the therapies cause of lowering intake of fentanyl they are dependent on actively or passively. Experts always suggest superior and tailored rehab programs prevent relapse and the consequences as support staff fail to coordinate with patients’ mental balance or lack of expertise can be resulted in cease of rehab and patient abandon the treatment undone.

The Luminous Care offers a Detox-program and a vast variety of cutting-edge pharmacological and behavioral practices run by experts who understand the complications and the value of your efforts to get back to life as a whole. Call us now – 833-422-5585 or more information enquire us at info@theluminouscare.com



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