Which is the Best Drug and Alcohol individual therapy in Delray Beach?

Individual Therapy is a face to face conversational therapy session between the addict and the psychologist/therapist to help the patient through their problems. Communication and a comfortable relationship between the therapist and the patient play a key role in success of Individual Therapy.  Luminous Care offers the Best Drug and Alcohol Individual Therapy in Delray Beach.

The role of Individual Therapy is to address specific problems, reflecting the main manifestations and drive of substance abuse with an ever evolving, clear and structured counselling process following a schedule for a fixed period. The period of therapy sessions is variable depending from individual to individual, but usually it runs up to eight to ten sessions of an hour each. Communication is encouraged by asking questions which help the patient to open up and share their traumatic experiences or private matters with ease. The patient also feels heard and understood in the process of Individual Therapy.

Luminous Care is the Best Alcohol and Drug detox center in Delray Beach. Our expert therapists identify the coping strategies, rearranges life’s priorities, focuses on meaningful pursuits, identifies personal strengths to work upon individual recovery. Society may shame and make it difficult for the patient to communicate about their problems. Our therapists ensure to provide a comfortable and trustworthy space with the sensitive information without being judgmental.

We provide the needed support, guidance and advice which are critical tools in the road to recovery. We believe that recovery depends on mutual input from the caregiver and the patient Our therapists provide their best skills to keep you afloat and expect equivalent determination and willingness from the patient, making us the Best at drug and alcohol Individual Therapy in Delray Beach. Call us now – 833-422-5585 or For more information enquire us at info@theluminouscare.com


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