Importance of Na Meetings


Narcotics Anonymous was founded in 1953 and is often simply referred to as “NA”. It is a global organization of recovering drug addicts with 67,000 locally-organized meetings in 139 countries.Narcotics Anonymous meetings are for all sorts of problems. People have all sorts of reasons for attending NA meetings, but the purpose of each meeting is to give NA members a place to share recovery with other addicts.

Narcotics Anonymous is a twelve-step program where people who are addicted to drugs can support themselves in recovery. It is also called a group of recovering drug addicts helping each other to remain clean. The NA literature describes it as a program for addicted people and they want to pursue and maintain a drug free lifestyle.

There are local NA meetings available daily throughout the United States and in hundreds of countries throughout the world. Many people get what they want from the meetings and they use their drugs of choice. It is a safe, good place to turn to when you need help and want to get clean. NA is a twelve-step program similar to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and it shares many of the same principles, practices, and philosophies. The goal of NA is to create a community where addicts help each other on the road to recovery. There are also no costs to attend a meeting. The only requirement for becoming a member of NA is the desire to stop using it.

What to expect at NA Meeting:

Everyone is nervous to attend their first meeting. You can rest assured that everyone in the room has been in the same place and the majority are very welcoming to newcomers. You will hear the work addict often at NA meetings. Meetings are usually either discussion or speaker meetings.

  • In discussion meetings, members share their personal stories of addiction and recovery as they relate to their lives, members also can share as much or as little as they feel comfortable with, keeping in mind and being courteous of time constraints.
  • In speaker meetings, one or more members is asked to share for the majority of the meeting.
  • New members aren’t required to share, but if they want to they are more than welcome to share.
  • Sharing is done one at a time, and members are asked to only share their own experience.
  • Members can talk to other members when they have breaks or after the meetings.

Narcotics Anonymous and Religion

NA meetings are not based in any religion, but are rather grounded in spirituality. This refers to a higher power without defining what that is, as it can be different for everyone. Parts of the NA meeting usually include references to “God” and a prayer at the closing of the meeting. However, some people replace “God” with “higher power” or “good orderly direction.” The higher power aspect is meant to be a set of guiding morality and strength and is not based on any religion.

Worldwide, every week more than 60,000 meetings are held. There are many options which will suit your needs and lifestyle.

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