Importance of AA Meetings


Alcoholics Anonymous is an international mutual aid fellowship with the stated purpose of enabling its members to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety. AA is nonprofessional, self-supporting, and apolitical. It’s only requirement is a desire to stop drinking. AA says it is not organized in any formal or political sense. There are also AA groups that help you stop drinking and that is what AA groups are formed. AA counted 2,087,840 members and 120,300 AA groups worldwide.

AA groups are self-supporting, relying on voluntary donations from members to cover expenses. There are also programs for Alcoholics Anonymous. AA programs have more than abstaining from alcohol. Their goal is to effect enough change in the alcoholic thinking to bring about the recovery from alcoholism. Now we come to AA meetings, these meetings are “quasi-ritualized therapeutic sessions run by and for alcoholics. They are usually informal and often feature discussions with voluntary donations collected during meetings.

AA meetings do not exclude other alcoholics, though some meetings cater to specific demographics such as gender, profession, age, sexual orientation, or culture. When people talk about what is going on in their life it allows them to release some of their stress and tension that’s going on in their lives. It is not always possible or available to talk to your friends and family about worries and concerns. A 12 step meeting can be the ideal venue for people to unburden themselves.

Some people have different perspectives on different or same problems as you are having. Step One of alcoholics anonymously tells people that they are powerless over alcohol when they drink it. There are many treatment programs, and the retreat is powerless over alcohol and addiction when the people in them want to drink.

“The opposite of addiction is not sobriety; the opposite of addiction is connection”. This says that connection is the key antidote to addiction with an alcoholic person, not only people with alcohol addiction can be treated with connection/ talking to someone they feel comfortable with. These connections are a foundational element of the AA program and that can be found in the 12th step which states: … tried to carry this message to other alcoholics. These connections can be the key of this treatment and can be more than helpful in such other ways too.

When people share they feel more a part of the meeting because they are contributing something. Sharing your thoughts and whatever is going on in your life can be a type of service in recovery. This is particularly true when members share things that are inspiring or provide advice for other members who are struggling with processing their thoughts to others or with themselves. 12 step meetings could not exist if members were not willing to share their experience and hope. Sometimes people are unsure what is bothering them or what they want to do, and that’s how they get addicted to alcohol, only they cannot see any other way to solve their problems. People should socialize more in their lives and that would help them a lot more than you think. Talking to someone about your problems can make you feel less alone. There will almost always be other people in the room who have shared similar experiences or feelings. Things become cleared when they are spoken out loud. When people keep their problems to themselves that can result in worse than what they actually are.

The Dangers of not sharing at meetings.

If people avoid sharing at AA meetings it can be detrimental in a number of ways: First thing it will mean that individuals will feel like outsiders in the group. That will not be a benefit of being in that group. Sharing with others might help going through your problems and other members will be able to advise them about how to get back on track, but this can only happen when you talk. If people do not interact at meetings it will make it harder for them to build friendships.

There are concerns about confidentiality at alcoholics anonymous meetings. One of the biggest concerns that people have about sharing at meetings is confidentiality. People can protect their anonymity by only speaking in a general way. If they are complaining about some person they should avoid using their names. This way people can talk about the things that are bothering them without having to worry that it will later cause them embarrassment. The most important thing about sharing is that people are completely honest. The aim of talking at meetings is to get things out in the open. This type of communication is called sharing for a reason. It also means giving other people the opportunity to speak. It is good to remember that one of the main overall objectives of AA is to help the suffering alcoholics.

If you or your loved one is struggling with alcohol, help is available. Reach out to a representative at THE LUMINOUS CARE today.

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