Which Are The Most Abused Prescription Drugs?
The most predictable drugs that come to your mind are cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamines when it comes to drug abuse. Unlike alcohol and marijuana, Opioid Addiction and prescription drugs do not discriminate and can hound anyone anytime. If you know someone who has been tormented or enduring, seek help at the facility of The Luminous Care.
The most commonly abused drugs
When prescribed by doctors, these medications can be beneficial. But when they are taken without a prescription, or used for unintended purposes or prescriptions, or they overdose, these can become dangerous and even fatal.
Prescription parties are the latest trendy bashes where teens mix their prescription pills in a bowl or even with drinks, whichever looks most appealing. However, they are not aware of the severe health issues combined with drugs or alcohol.
Most commonly abused drugs include opioids, stimulants, Ritalin, oxycontin, barbiturates sedatives, dextromethorphan, and much more.
These are natural and synthetic compounds that are mainly prescribed for the relief of pain. They are safe when they have managed accordingly, but they could be abusive and dangerous in other cases. Opioids are snorted or injected in an abusive form and cause rapid release of drugs that proves to be a subsequent euphoric high.
When these higher doses are released into the bloodstream, it produces quicker dependence on the drug. There could be life-threatening consequences of opioids, and they may be increased when mixed with other substances. Opiates should never be mixed and abused with alcohol, antihistamines, barbiturates, or benzodiazepines.
Stimulants are prescribed for specific health conditions like ADHD, depression, narcolepsy, and processes in the body. There are three commonly abused stimulants – dextroamphetamine, dexter methylphenidate, and amphetamines. Usually, these are taken in pill form. Usually, they are snorted or injected to produce a high effect as these components can obstruct small blood vessels and damage other heart organs, resulting in fatal or life-threatening issues.
They are highly risky, especially when mixed with decongestant medicines.
Benzos or Benzodiazepines are highly addictive drugs that improve sleep, reduce tension or cope with stress. It equates to about 30.5 million people, and about 22.4 % of those misuse them due to sleep disorders to cope with stress or reduce tension. People abuse prescription drugs written as a treatment for anxiety or insomnia. Mingled with medication opioids, benzos can enhance the risk of dependency.
People abuse these drugs because they enjoy high euphoric effects. The withdrawal can be dangerous and even life-threatening. It is highly advised to undergo a medical detox under the surveillance of professionals.
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