Marijuana Addiction Treatment


Marijuana one of the most abused substance in the region of North America. Some state of USA legalize the farming of marijuana it is mainly produced by the Latin American countries and Mexico.

Due to increasing influence in Society where cinema, pop culture, web series, songs are praising the ecstasy bring by marijuana. The Mafia of drug cartels afford the luxury of dreams and power to symbolise the wealth and the aristocracy.

Marijuana addiction is easy to get started with as it does not take a toll on body but the mental health of the individual who abuse it.

Marijuana active ingredient

The active ingredients in marijuana are cannabinoids. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) responsible for a unique feeling of ecstasy when using marijuana. Cannabidiol (CBD) doesn’t induce the same euphoric experience, but it does relieve tension the nerves.

The United States has been in the claw of an opioid epidemic. Where more than 70,000 drug overdose casualties in the country in 2017, over 47,000 affected by the use of opioids. We understand that no one has ever died directly from a marijuana overdose.

Function of Marijuana

Marijuana has a broad range of pharmacologic impacts that suggest actions like those of Amphetamines, hallucinogens such as LSD, and depressants such as alcohol, sedatives, atropine, or morphine, Thus, marijuana does not match any single traditional pharmacologic model, As smoking continues, the effects rise, reaching the peak in twenty minutes. Mostly reactions of the drug have usually vanished after three hours, by which time examinations show that engagements of THC in the body’s plasma are low. Peak effects after consuming marijuana may be discontinued for three to four hours, but may then last for 6-8 hours. The early stage of being high, distinguished by euphoria, uncontrollable laughter, alteration of one’s sense of time, depersonalization, and sharpened vision. Later, the user comes to be relaxed and present, and muscle weakness, tremors, shakiness, and increased deep-tendon reflexes may also be noted. Virtually any performance trial exhibits impairment if the doses are large enough and the test is complicated enough, although no unique biochemical changes have been found in human beings. Different levels of tolerance develop for different effects of the drug, with tolerance for the tachycardiac effect (increased pulse rate) developing fairly rapidly. A mild withdrawal syndrome has been observed following very high doses.

    • Lack of appetite
    • Mood swings
    • Petulance
    • Insomnia
    • Headaches
    • Loss of concentration
    • Sweating
    • Chills
    • Depression
    • Stomach problems

Marijuana addiction treatment
In general, marijuana users, even those whose use is heavy, do not feel compelled to pursue treatment unless such use is involved by other drugs, such as cocaine or alcohol. In this case, treatment models are usually directed toward the complicated drug. Thus, treatment programs of a top-rated addiction treatment center organized specifically oriented to marijuana use are limited. A twelve-step recovery program gives the best result with a focus on behavioral health.

TLC- The Luminous Care is currently organizing the best result oriented rehab sessions under the supervision of experienced experts who facilitate you with best strategies at one of the most fascinating and pampering lap of mother nature at Pompano Beach Premises. Let’s Walk on the path of harmony and peace.


The Luminous Care offers a Detox-program and a vast variety of cutting-edge pharmacological and behavioral practices run by experts who understand the complications and the value of your efforts to get back to life as a whole. Call us now – 833-422-5585 or more information enquire us at


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