Why do we get addict to drugs?

We often tend to do things regularly which make us happy and feel rejuvenated. But what if we get prone to the habit of drugs?  Before answering this question another question that pops up is that why do people make drugs the part of their daily schedule? Addiction is also called as biopsychosocial disorder usually caused by drugs or alcohol. Like children like to have more chocolates as they eat them one by one, similarly, drugs often excite the human brain and we crave it for more. Now answering the first question, as it is said there are always two sides of a coin (positive and negative), but here the negative side is predominantly heavier than the positive side and there are absolute reasons behind it. 

Celebrities’ addiction to drugs

Celebrities have their life full of fame, stardom, thrill but if we look at the kernel of their lives the presence of stress, peer pressure and unhealthy relationships which are part of them. And here comes the evil part ‘drugs’. Many celebrities have strong work ethics and they are high success driven person so to cope up with all those difficulties they are facing they opt to consume drugs and from then there is no looking behind to it. Celebrity substance abuse is increasing day by day within singers, actors, politicians, social media celebrity and lot more. From Lady Gaga to Robert Downey Jr. , from Michael Jackson to Stephen King all these famous personalities have been addicted to drugs and they have publically confessed about it that there is a lot more to deal with than just an addiction.

How drugs become life threatening from one stage?

There is a dangerous attraction of the drug to celebrities. They needs to be publically “on” and “off” very frequently, also showcase their confidence, to cope up the pressure as their money are at stake and also loneliness. So to deal with all these they start taking drugs and become vulnerable. Some untimely deaths of famous personalities who were prey of drug addiction are:

1) Mac Miller (Rapper):- Flying high from success as his new song “The Way” had just debuted at #3 on the Billboard album charts, the musician was found unresponsive in his Studio City home and was confirmed dead within some time. Doctors suspected the overdose of cocaine, fentanyl and ethanol in his body and died due to mixture of drug toxic elements.

2) Jarad Higgins, AKA Juice WRLD:-  The 21 year old artist, who rapped about drug abuse, went into convulsion during the raid at Midway airport, Chicago. The rapper died due to excess amount of oxycodone and codine toxicity. 

3) Arthur William Bell III, AKA Art Bell: The founder and the original host of the paranormal- themed radio program ‘Coast to Coast AM’, was found dead at his home. An autopsy revealed that Bell died due to overdoes from a cocktail of prescription drugs. He often took the opoids oxycodone and some muscle relaxant medications.

4) Tom Petty: The singer had been taking several medications, which included Fentanyl and oxycodone, to treat fractured hip and other issues. The mixture of drug toxicity caused multiple organ failure and ultimately led to cardiopulmonary arrest. 

5) Gustav Ahr, AKA Lil Peep: The rapper died of an overdose of Fentanyl and Xanax. Reports suggested that other drugs like marijuana and cocaine were also found in his system. 

These are just a tip of an iceberg and there other numerous instances where famous personalities often tends to overdo drugs and becomes victim. 

Now what is more important is that we should learn from the mistakes they made and need to ascertain ourselves not to get engage in such activities even though it causes some defamation from our current status as the consequences are rather saturnine.

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